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Flag of New Brunswick



Flag of New Brunswick - Wikipedia

New Brunswick

Classification: Province

Area (sq km): 73,440

Capital City: Fredericton

Country: Canada

Located on the Eastern coast of Canada, New Brunswick is one of the four provinces that make up the Atlantic Provinces, and one of the three provinces in the Maritimes. It is bordered on the North and East by the Atlantic Ocean, the Southeast by Nova Scotia, the South by the Atlantic Ocean, and the West by the United States and Quebec.

The capital city of Fredericton is located near the centre of the province. The population of the province is spread out around the province, with the exception being the North central area, which is sparsely populated..

Originally home to the Mi'kmaq people, New Brunswick became home to the Acadians, French settlers of Eastern Canada. Unlike Nova Scotia, New Brunswick kept a lot of its French heritage and was officially the only bilingual province.

The lion on red of the flag represents the Duke of Brunswick, as it was taken from his coat of arms. The ship on the flag symbolises the importance of shipbuilding and shipping for the province.

New Brunswick was named after King George III of England, who was the Duke of Brunswick, a German state at the time.

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