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Howe-Scott Quarry

Population: 0

Region: Wyoming

Country: United States

Geologic Formation: Morisson Formation

The Howe-Scott Quarry is a site on Howe Ranch, North of the town of Shell, Wyoming, in the United States.

Howe Ranch was owned by Barker Howe, and in 1934 Barnum Brown discovered fossils on the ranch and excavated a number of fossils from the ranch.

In 1990, a Swiss paleontologist, Hans-Jakob Siber (or Kirby), leased fossil rights from the ranch's owners and began digging in the area.

There are a number of dig sites on the ranch, with the Howe-Scott Quarry being one of the three most fossil-abundant. It was found in 1995 by a team from the Sauriermuseum Aathal out of Switzerland.

The "Scott" post-fix most likely is named after a member of the Swiss team that found this quarry site.

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