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Population: 126,000

Region: Ontario

Country: Canada

Orléans is a subdivision of the Canadian capital city of Ottawa, in the South Eastern part of Ontario.

Orléans first became a settlement around 1830, and was incorporated as a police village called St. Joseph d'Orléans in 1922. A police village was a term given to a settled area in Ontario that was deemed unable to have a municipal government due to economic reasons. In 1974 it became a full village, and in 2001 it was annexed into the city of Ottawa.

Orléans was first called St. Joseph d'Orléans by its first postmaster, Théodore Besserer, after his hometown of Île d'Orléans in Quebec. The "Saint Joseph" part comes from the Church, Saint Joseph, around which the settlement was built in the 19th century.

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