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Image of Eva. .Koppelhus

Korea-Mongolia International Dinosaur Project


Picture of Eva Koppelhus - Korea-Mongolia International Dinosaur Project

Eva Bundgaard Koppelhus

Born (Y-M-D): Unknown

Place of Birth: Unknown

Eva Bundgaard Koppelhus is a Danish-Canadian paleontologist specialising in paleobotany and palynology (the study of fossilized spores and pollen).

She studied palynology at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, and currently works for the Royal Tyrrell Museum and the University of Alberta as the assistant professor and curator of paleobotany and palynology.

Eva is married to Philip J. Currie, another paleontologist working for the University of Alberta. She has worked in Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, Greenland, Indonesia, Japan, Madagascar, Mongolia, New Zealand, South Korea, South Africa, and the United States.

She has discovered/described at least two dinosaurs, and has written or co-written twenty-nine books related to paleontology, paleobotany, or palynology. Eva has a dinosaur named after her: Unescoceratops koppelhusae.

Dinosaurs Discovered by Eva Koppelhus

| Beibeilong sinensis |

Media Involving Eva Koppelhus

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