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Image of Junchang. .Lü

Richard Conniff


Picture of Junchang Lü - Richard Conniff

Junchang Lü

Born (Y-M-D): 1965-00-00

Place of Birth: Unknown

Died (Y-M-D): 2018-10-08

Lü Junchang was a Chinese paleontologist specialising in Cretaceous pterosaurs.

He earned his PhD in Geology in 2004 from the Southern Methodist University in Texas, USA. He most recently worked in the Institute of Geology at the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences in Beijing, China.

He has described or discovered a number of dinosaurs, including Zhenyuanlong suni. He is credited with discovering around 50 pterosaur species.

Junchang passed away on 9 October, 2018.

Dinosaurs Discovered by Junchang Lü

| Beibeilong sinensis | Qiupalong henanensis |

Media Involving Junchang Lü

No media found involving Junchang